Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The paper that started it all


The person we chose to observe was an old man who was reading. He had a long-sleeved blue shirt on. He was bald except he had a crown of white hair on the outside of his head, as well as a beard. He also had large glasses, possibly bifocals. We all wrote down that he was an old man, except Caroline who more specifically said he was male and probably over 65. He had a small, brown paper bag in front of him, suggesting that he may have been taking a rest from shopping. He looked clean. Casandra and Caroline said that he looked like he was in deep concentration, and Lexi said he looked irritated. We all wrote down that his head moved while he was reading. Caroline wrote down that he scratched the left side of his head. We wrote down that his hands shook slightly even when he wasn’t turning the page. He shifted his body position only once. We all noticed that his watch was on his left hand. We noticed this because he picked his nose. We assumed he was right handed because if you try to put the watch on your dominant hand, it gets in the way. He seemed to have been sitting for a while, as what we assumed to be his bookmark was far from the place that he was in his book at the time of observation. We observed him for twelve minutes before he got up and left. He put his book in an inside pocket of a beige jacket and walked out of our lives forever, but he was unforgettable. Goodbye old man reading a book in the mall food court.

This was our original paper. Our psych teacher refuses to print any document in a font other than comic sans so we wrote our paper in comic sans as well. Didn't get the response we wanted, but whatever. The part about the poor man picking his nose is false. We wanted to get some reaction out of her, but again nothing... Oh well.

The picture is what I was doing while Caroline and Casandra were staring at the old man.

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